Category: Blog
Hidden: Animals in the Anthropocene

HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene is an unflinching book of photography documenting our relationship with non-human animals in the 21st ...
Is Horse Slaughter Legal in the US?

Horses in the United States are not bred and raised for meat, yet horse slaughter in the U.S. is a ...
Dairy is the Veal Industry

Why is milk and cheese bad for animals? For years I didn't understand the connection, and ate dairy products and ...
Chicken and eggs

"I only eat chicken and eggs". For years before I went vegan I said this to people, as if a ...
Animals and Language

The first step in respecting animals and being kind to them is through our speech. It is amazing how common ...
Pig Factory Farms

Life for pigs on factory farms is a living hell. Each year in the US approximately 120 million pigs are ...
Wet Markets

Live Animal Markets are markets where animals are killed on site. They are often called "wet markets", although wet markets ...
What is a factory farm?

Factory farms are massive industrial farms that are designed to maximize production at minimal cost, with little or no attention ...
Swim with the Dolphins

Swim with the Dolphins programs, also known as SWTD, are attractions where you can swim and interact with dolphins in ...
Live Export

Each year, millions of live animals are transported thousands of miles for the purpose of slaughter or breeding. The animals ...