Category: News
City-produced events to serve plant based food

In June 2024 the City of West Hollywood, California passed a groundbreaking plant based policy. The resolution requires all city-produced ...
Hidden: Animals in the Anthropocene

HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene is an unflinching book of photography documenting our relationship with non-human animals in the 21st ...
Is Horse Slaughter Legal in the US?

Horses in the United States are not bred and raised for meat, yet horse slaughter in the U.S. is a ...
Uncle Neil’s Home

Uncle Neil’s Home, A Farm Sanctuary, named in honor of our rescued dog, Uncle Neil ...
The Decline of Greyhound Racing

Greyhound racing is a dying industry in the United States, thanks in large part to Christine Dorchak, and the organization ...
Orangutans: People of the Forest

The word orangutan is derived from the Indonesian and Malay words for “person” and “forest”, or “person of the forest.” ...
Dairy is the Veal Industry

Why is milk and cheese bad for animals? For years I didn't understand the connection, and ate dairy products and ...
Tamerlaine Sanctuary & Preserve

Since 2013, they have been a paradise for previously neglected and abused farmed animals from our food system ...
Dolphin Pair Bonds

Male bottlenose dolphins often develop a lifelong friendship called a “pair bond” with another adult male. The two, or sometimes three, ...
Austin Farm Sanctuary

There are 65+ full time residents at the sanctuary consisting of cows, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, goats and a tortoise ...
Canned Hunting in the US

Captive hunting operations, often referred to as “canned hunts” or “game ranches,” are private trophy hunting facilities that offer hunters ...
Orangutan Mothers

Mother orangutans live with their babies until the offspring reach about seven or eight years of age — longer than ...
Chicken and eggs

"I only eat chicken and eggs". For years before I went vegan I said this to people, as if a ...
Harp Seals

Harp seals can dive as deep as 1,500 feet, and stay underwater for up to 15 minutes at a time ...
Animals and Language

The first step in respecting animals and being kind to them is through our speech. It is amazing how common ...
Namibian Seal Hunt

Each year in southern Africa, the government of Namibia authorizes the killing of 85,000 Cape fur seal pups for their pelts, and ...
Pig Factory Farms

Life for pigs on factory farms is a living hell. Each year in the US approximately 120 million pigs are ...
Shelter dogs killed in the US

Half of all shelter dogs dogs killed in the US are from Texas, California, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Literally ...
Wet Markets

Live Animal Markets are markets where animals are killed on site. They are often called "wet markets", although wet markets ...
Live Export is Cheaper

It is often cheaper to live export animals on ships than it is to use refrigerated meat transport. The money ...